As a member, we can help you connect to others through our church management system E-zekiel via your personal computer or mobile device. You can view the online church directory, church calendar, as well as, give online. Click here to complete the information form to begin the process to sign-up for this resource.
You may access this site from your computer, as well as, from an app on you smart phone/device. Your login credentials will be the same as they were with our old system Twenty28. Get started now:
*Phones/mobile devices:
1. Go to your App Store and install the E-zekiel ChMs app for free.
2. Replace the word domain with fbcsc
3. Enter your login credentials.
4. If you do not remember your password, click on Forgot password and put in your email address so that you may have a new password sent to your email address.
1. Go to https://fbcsc.e-zekielchms.com
2. Enter your login credentials.
3. If you do not remember your password, click on Forgot password and put in your email address so that you may have a new password sent to your email address.